Pixel Processing

2010 Fall Course-week course at MOME

Lecturer:   Zsófia Ruttkay, Creative Technology Lab, Media Institute, MOME, e-mail: zsofiATmome.hu

Course developed by:   Zsófia Ruttkay and Bence Samu, Creative Technology Lab, Media Institute, MOME, 2010

Time:         25-29.10.2010, 13.40-15.40:interactive lectures, 16-17.30:practical work

Final demo:   29.10.2010,16.00, location to be announced

Location:    Room B101

Sites:          Course home:       http://create.mome.hu/ruttkay/pp/
                   Processing home: http://www.processing.org
                   For Windows a video digitizer to be used: WinVDIG_101.exe

Bajkó Péter,   Bereznai Tamás,   Bodor András Péter,   Cziner Máté,   Ertsey Donát Áron,   Ferencz Mihály,   Gáldi-Vinkó Andrea Judit,   Gryllus Ábris Pál,   Kállai Kata Eszter,   Kálmán Mátyás,   Karcis Gábor Kristóf,   Kiss Benedek Kristóf,   Szabó Amanda,   Szabó Péter Zoltán,   Andre Miguel Nogueira Dacosta

Course book:    Learning Processing "Find a friend in code", book by Daniel Shiffman,
                         ideal if you have never programmed before.
Further books: Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists
                         Casey Reas and Ben Fry (Foreword by John Maeda).
                         Published 24 August 2007, MIT Press. 736 pages. Hardcover.
                         all codes on-line -- educational copy can be ordered from MIT Press

Other resources: Design Programming course by Rob Saunders. A systematic discussion of topics for a
                         semester course, based on the Learning Processing book.


MONDAY     Intro -- Working with Processing -- Manipulating Images by the Pixels
  • working with processing
    • download processing from here
    • in order to use camera on Windows, use uickTime (version 7 or higher) and install and video digitizer (see above)
    • big picture of processing: Java application, libraries
    • getting started: making sketches, saving work, using data files (images)
    • basics of setup(), draw(), and saving screenshot
    • getting help: explore language elements locally, save versions of sketches, use the tutorials and local examples
ME0:  Install and start processing. Explore all menu items. Make a first sketch by drawing a line from one corner to the middle, save it, open it, modify it, re-save it under different name, make a screenshot. Try out ways to use the on-line reference.
ME1:  Create a canvas of 320x240 size. Tessellate this canvas with (scaled)copies of an image in some way.
ME2:  Take an image, apply some built in image processing, but change the parameters in time. How to control speed?
ME3:  Take a photo of yourself, and create some effect by replacing the pixels with graphical elements.

MA1:  Take your own (face) photo, and apply some own pixel processing to it.
MA2:  Take your own (face) photo, show it as fully dark or hidden otherwise first, and make some way to unveil it by using the mouse
MA3:  Experiment with the timing of the creation of ME3 - graphical elements are drawn one by one, in groups ...

Tuesday   Pixel Group and 3d Processing --- Video Capture
TE1:Get the camera working, capute video in 230x240 size.  
TE2:Apply your image processing to the video images.  

TA1:  Make own pixel group or 3d processing effects.
TA2:  Design your video mirror.

Wednesday    Video processing 2
WE1:  Make experiments with slit scan, change the widths of the captured columns...
WE2:  Make use of the buffered videos: use different sections from different times, change the times, ...

WA1:  FINALIZE the visuals of your video mirror for Thursday start of class.

Thursday    Working on own Video Mirrors
  • Ways to do video mirroring
  • control via computer vision: location (brightness, color) and total amount of motion
  • putting the mirrors in a common framework

HA1:  FINAL stuff in framework format to be provided by Friday class. DEMO on FRIDAY at 16.00

Friday     Wrapup Mirrors     Demo
  • document: add these comments at the beginning of your code
  • putting together the mirrors
  • assesment of the course
  • demo4mome