
CharToon Faces

2010 Spring course at MOME

Lecturer:   Zsófia Ruttkay PhD, Senior research fellow, e-mail:

Time:         Tuesday 13.40-15.00 and Friday 13.40-18.00 4 weeks
                  First occasion: 9 February 2010
                  Special occasion: 10 March 9 AM, in A 104: Talk by Tomoko Koda (Japan)

Location:    Room B101

Course home:


Fulfillment requirements:   

  • 2 heads (man-woman), for each happy/sad/neutral expressions.
  • for each case, a 4 seconds animation: 2 seconds onset, 2 seconds display.

      Olivér Horváth
      Dávid Lovas
      Torsten Posselt (ERASMUS student from UdK Berlin)


Related links:

  • A new study suggests that people from different cultures might read facial expressions differently.
  • Ken Perlin's page, with a lot of fascinating content including facial animation
  • Steve di Paola's page with again a well of inspiration, also on evolutionary faces


9.02:    Kick-off

12.02:    Emotions and their display on faces

  • introduction: goal of the course, assesment, way of working
  • we do the pre-test of the Japanese designs
  • emotions: some questions to ask
  • emotions: physiology, mental state, display
  • quick course about modelling facial expressions
  • CharToon demos,
  1. Do the Japanese research experiment, if you have not done it yet before. You may need to try at different times of the day to have fast contact.
  2. Skecth a few (at least 4) heads on paper, not too realistic but expressive, man/woman, and for each a happy and a sad version. Scan your designs digitally as images.
    Use file names as: yourname_headnumber_emotion where emotion is neutral, happy or sad
  3. Download and install the CharToon sw on your laptop/PC. I am not sure if it runs on MacOs - just give a try.
    You need Java installed to run it. Test if you can start the sw. If you have problems, send a mail.
  4. Download the into paper and the documentation.
  5. For next class bring along your laptop, or if you do not have one, the designs on a stick.
16.02:    Design of emotional faces

  • happy and sad expressions according to Ekman - and here is a masked expression
  • other variants of expressions - we look at line drawings
  • evaluation your drawings
  • discussion of hands-on exercise with CharToon
  • discussion of design guidelines for next course
Assignments for Friday:
  1. at least 2 faces, man-woman, each with happy/sad/neutral expression should be scanned to 600x800 pixel image, ready to be viewed
  2. make a design description of the best 2 faces (man/woman) by layers, what will be moving of the features