Seminar and training
Institute for Theoretical Studies and Media Institute MOME Techlab
2015/2016 Spring (continuation of 2015 Fall course)
time: Thursday 8.30-11.20, room: MOME Main Hall A/213.b
Docents: Judit Bényei PhD és Zsófia Ruttkay PhD
Consultants: Miklós Cseri Dr., Erik Vass, Miklós Buzás (Hungarian Open Air Museum), Barkó Gábor Ágoston (Tihany Benedict Abbey), Tamás Dénesi (Pannonhalma Benedict Library), Zsuzsanna Toronyi (Hungarian Jewish Museum), Klára Berczi, Dániel Karasz (technical assistance)
Code: 229-36-91-02
Hours/week: 4
No precondition: BA 2-3. MA 1 students are welcome
Fulfilment: Project documentation, demo/ presentation
Consultation: Monday 12-13.30 or by appointment
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Course description:
The goal of the course is to provide technical, project management and content development knowledge and mentoring in order to design and develop and extend projects proposed at the end of the Fall, for both museum partners. For this year's task is to embed the designs into the renewal plans of the museums, refine the technical aspects and work on content development, and find transmedial and multi-targeted extensions of the original ideas. Students will be working in small interdisciplinary groups, with dedicated roles. By the end of the term, they will provide content-rich, technologically sound and context-reliable design of their projects.
The course is related to the new exhibition of the Hungarian Open Air Museum "Transylvanian Unit", to the new permanent exhibition of the Hungarian Jewish Museum, and to the museum and visitors center of the Tihany Benedict Abbey.
Main themes:
1. The history and museum of the Tihany Benedict Abbey
2. Field work (by project groups)
3. Content development – methods, formats, legal issues
4. Project development and project management
5. Digital startegy forming
6. Evaluating digital technologies in musea
7. Transmedial solutions in museums
8. Technical documentation
Active participation in seminars and work in groups, consultation with museum mentors. The main component of assessment is the quality and completeness of the projects realized by the groups - as well as the presentation and documentation (project description, photo, film).
On the basis of the concept of the project, quality of realization and documentation. Group work and individual work will be assessed - together and separately as well.
Components of marks given:
- class performance
(milestone presentations)
90-100 %
· continuous activity in the project
30 %
· quality of the realized project
50 %
Course objectives, overview of 2015 Fall projects
WORKSHOP1: The museum and touristic value of The Tihany Benedict Abbey – Klára Berczi
identification of projects and roles in project teams
WORKSHOP 2: Project management training – Klára Berczi
road map for each project
Visit to the Jewish Musem / Meeting with the mentors - Zs. Toronyi, V. Dancz
chose 3 items form the objects of the new exhibition
Lecture: Content development - methods, formats, legal issues (Judit Bényei, Klára Berczi)
project groups settle own development and communication platforms
Project work/ Field work
visit to museums, consultation with museum mentors
content development on location
Project ideas presentation
for the whole class, each project presents objectives, status, we discuss open questions
Lectures: Digital strategy forming - Transmedial solutions in museums (Zsófia Ruttkay) presentation
For each project, place it in strategy in time and in the entire context – enhance it with transmedia solutions
Course week, no lesson
Holiday, no lesson
Invited lecture I - Otto Banyák (SK): “Hologram, VR, AR and More – Interactive Experiences in a Science Museum”
groups consult with mentors/project leader on design and content, dedicated technical assistance
Project work I
technical support for projects with 3d printing, web development and Unity 3d modelling (D. Karasz)
Project presentation II
Almost final presentations: feedback from everybody, comments on presentation skills and tools (K. Berczi, D. Karasz)
Program at Design Terminal
Invited guest lecture II: Alicja Knast (PL): Digital applications in 3 Polish museums
Evaluating digital technologies in musea
Getting acquainted with the Design Terminal
Show of Student Projects at Design Terminal
Public event at main design hub in Bp – PR for the course and the topic
Project documentation
Exam presentation for university and museum invitees at the Jewsih Museum
museum and MOME leaders
Student projects presented at the Jewish Museum:
1. Flóra Kocsis, Dorottya Tibori:The Garden of the Torah
2. Máté Kudar: Rimon puzzle
3. Ákos Zajzon, Levente Hajdú, Ádám Krasz: Recalling the Past in the Rumbach synagogue
4. Tamás Deme: Playguide
5. Emese Orbán, Andrea Csuport, Zita Schnabel,Tamás Tóth: Weinmann Éva’s Diary
Compulsory reading:
Bényei Judit – Ruttkay Zsófia: Kulturális örökség közvetítése digitális, interaktív technológiák segítségével, In: Szociálpedagógia, 2015. 1-2., 29-36. o.
Bényei Judit – Ruttkay Zsófia: A múzeum megújítása a digitális technológiák korában, In: Antalóczy T. – Pörczy Zs. (szerk) Határtalan médiakultúra, Bp. Wolters Kluwer Complex Kiadó 2015.
Paálné Patkó Györgyi: Új médiumok a múzeumokban'- Fókuszban: a Szentendrei Szabadtéri Néprajzi Múzeum internetstratégiája. Múzeumi Közlemények 2003.
MuseumCafe Journal
Simon, N. (2010). Chapter 1. Principles of Participation. In Simon, N., The Participatory Museum. London: Museum 2.0.
Recommended reading:
Anderson, Maxwell L.: Museums of the Future: The Impact of Technology in Museum Practices. Daedalus,128(3). 1999.
Cafuri, R.: Museums and the Digital Device. ICOM News, 61(1). 2008.
MuseumID journal and blog
The course is supported by the International Visegrad Fund .
Invited lecturers short bio
Andrej Boleslavsky
Interaction designer and new media artist, born in Nitra (Slovakia), with 10 years of professional experience. He has been working as an artist and researcher for CIANT – International Centre for Art and New Technologies. In his own projects he focuses on the creating of artworks and museum installations using a wide range of new media technologies, elements of experimental games, generative art and physical computing. These are also topics on which he lectures in workshops organized by various study programs. Recently, he participated in the Cellsbutton#5 media festival. He curated exhibitions TransGenesis : Global Players and Square vision focused on game art and co-curated festival Enter5: Datapolis. His specialization in the field of programming includes knowledge of media platforms such as VVVV and Arduino which he uses to develop interactive artworks. She gave workshops, talks and special events at international festivals and educational forums.
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Alicja Knast
Katowice, Silesian District, Polska - Director at The Silesia Museum and The Upper Silesia
Received MA degree in musicology from Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. Between 1995 and 2003 worked as an adiunct at National Museum, Poznań. Alicja Knast lectured at London Metropolitan University (2005-6) and worked as research assistant at University of Plymouth (2005-8). From January 2009 until 2011 played key role in new development of permanent exhibition at Chopin Museum where she was the curator. 2012 – 2014 CEO of the Core Exhibition at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw on behalf of The Association of the Jewish Historical Institute. Since July 2014 the director of Silesian Museum in Katowice and Uppersilesian in Bytom. She was Research Fellow at The Metropolitan Museum in New York 2004-2005. Since 1998 she is a member of ICOM and its subcommittee International Committee of Museums and Collections of Musical Instruments as well as a member of Museums Association UK and Academy of Higher Education UK. Her research interests are focused on strategies of implicite learning, music perception and instrumentology. Currently her main area of professional activity is museum management, policies and design of architectures of multimodal systems for exhibitions. She was awarded in 2011 by Gustav, King of Sweden "Royal Order of the Polar Star” and in 2011 together with Migliore e Servetto prestigious Red Dot Award. She has been giving lectures internationally.
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