The renewed Bible Exhibition was opened on 7 November in the Károlyi Gáspár Museum in Gönc. MOME TechLab has made 9 interactive installations and one mobile application for the exhibition, which aim to bring the world of the Bible closer to people.
The MUZEUM@DIGIT Conference, which has been organized for the third time discussed the perspectives and trends of modern digital museums. Zsófia Ruttkay gave a lecture on digital museum strategy. The Lab was represented on the conference with the collaboration of students. The digital application, Preparing for Saturday, which was developed by Ágoston Nagy, Bence Samu and Dániel Huszár as a TechLab project for the Museum of Ethnography, was awarded by AVICOM.
The videos of the lectures - so is the lecture of Zsófia Ruttkay - can be watched here.
Toldi Klub
1054 Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36-38, Budapest, Hungary, 1054
2 November 2015 19.00 p.m.
Zsófia Ruttkay – TechLab
Ádám Szűcs – Appleblog
Zsolt Torma – iOS developer
The main topic of the first session of Inspiring Design Theory is about applications, their social gain and everyday usage.
The MUZEUM@DIGIT Conference is organised for the third time on 3-4 November 2015 by the Hungarian National Museum National Centre of Museological Methodology and Information.The aim of the conference is to share and discuss the perspectives and trends of modern digital museums and museum, library and archives digitization regarding the future plans of this field. During the two days of the event there will be around twenty presentations (each 20 minutes long), held by Hungarian and foreign guest lecturers. The conference will be translated to Hungarian, English and French.
Place: Hungarian National Museum, Assembly Hall
Budapest, Múzeum krt. 14-16.
Date: 3-4 November 2015
There are no translations available.
Nagy érdeklődés mellett, a kiállítás kurátorainak tárlatvezetésével és a Lauder Javne Iskola diákjainak performanszával zárult a Kő kövön. Töredékek a magyar vidéki zsidóság kultúrájából című kiállítás a Néprajzi Múzeumban. A Labor itt látható digitális alkalmazásaira a Bikur Holim - Adománykönyvre és A szombat köszöntésére is sokan kíváncsiak voltak.
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