
Rooftops at Dawn - Literative walk, inaguration

The Rooftops at dawn - literative walk - a  co-production of the Creative Technology Lab, the Museum of Literature and the Hungarian Academy of Science's, Computer and Automation Research Institute (MTA SZTAKI) - had its official inaguration at the Csendes Bistro 18th September. The press conference was opened by journalist Peter Új, who concluded the goal was met with him: after experienceing the walk he bought the book. He was followed by the head of the lab Zsofia Ruttkay who talked a bit about the inception of the idea and its educational background: the Digital Museum coruse the lab co-founded and ran with the Institute for Theoretical Studies.

The concept, atmosphere, framework of the walk was presented by its creators, content developers: Anna Jankó, Julia Oravecz, students of the MOME and Juli Mata from the lab - which was concluded with a brief functional introduction. 

On behalf of the MTA SZTAKI - developer and provider of the technical framework - Zsolt Márkus introduced the application, the walk was based on and developed from. 

Julia Wernitzer, vice director of the Museum of Literature closed the line of speakers, who thoughts about the present and the future of museums and how this innovation fits the philosophy of the museum and that of Ottlik.

The event was attended by members of the written media, radios and TV channels as well.



On the picture (l-r): Júlia Wernitzer  (Museum of Literature), Zsófi Ruttkay (MOME CTL), Péter Új, Zsolt Márkus (MTA SZTAKI), Anna Jankó (MOME KTL), Juli Mata (MOME CTL) and Júlia Oravecz (MOME KTL).


CTL projects at the DIS conference

CTL recieved the honor to show at the Designing Interactive Systems Conference, June 11-15th in Newcastle, UK.


The opportunity is higly valued: "DIS is the premier international arena where designers, artists, psychologists, user experience researchers, systems engineers and many more come together to debate and shape the future of interactive systems design and practice."


Zsofi Ruttkay, head of CTL - together with Tamás Matuszka from ELTE - will demonstrate three projects: TERENCE, the EU-research project focused on developing an adaptive learning system for children with text comprehension difficulties, and two other interactive book based projects, which are the results of an interdiscipliary project course by CTL's home university MOME and ELTE (Eötvös Loránd University) of students. 

KTL a Kortárs Gyermekirodalom és Médiumai Konferencián
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 A labor vezetője, Ruttkay Zsófia tartott előadást Interaktív gyerekkönyvek címen az ELTE Tanító- és Óvóképző Karán megrendezett Kortárs Gyermekirodalom és Médiumai c. konferencián. A konferencia leírása és részletes programja itt található.

KTL a Gombold Újrá-n
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A Kreatív Technológia Labor gondozásában született két projekt is megjelenést kapott a hétvégén a Gombold Újra divatshow kapcsán rendezett kiállításon Millenáris Parkban.


A "Képmanipulációs Kísérletek" névre hallgató interaktív installációk Czinger Máté (  "Szögletek" ) és André Nogueira daCosta ("Pixelkereső") munkái, amelyek a kép pixelekre bontásával és újraértelmezésével a kamera előtt mozgó alakokat különböző vizuális formákban ábrázoljták.

Az interaktív falat és a projektek megjelenését Vodafone Smart Store támogatta.




Liszt Installations in MUPA Prolonged

The Liszt year is over, but the Palace of Arts decided to prolong the interactive installations Reactive Scores and Journeys of Liszt. made by the Creative Technology Lab in cooperation with the Industiral Design Department , in place. In the public hall of MUPA, near to the bookshop on the gorund floor and at the upper end of the escalator on the 1st floor, one can listen to an original Liszt manuscript, and can follow the kms covered by the Master.

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