International Symposium
'Evolution of reading in the Age of Digitisation'
Anne Mangen PhD (Stavanger University)
Friday, 16 October 2015 - Szeged, Academic Committee of Szeged
The Institute of Psychology University of Szeged and and the Academic Committee of Szeged - in partnership with MOME - is organising an international symposium with the participation of representatives from more than 20 countries in order to rethink the paradigms and metrics of digitising reading.
The next location of E-READ COST Action lasting until the end of 2017 is the University of Szeged. Everyone is welcome to join the public lecture of Anne Mangen PhD (Stavanger University) 'The evolution of reading in the age of digitisation'. As the leader of the programme she summarises the latest findings in the field.
location: Academic Committee of Szeged (Szeged, Somogyi u. 7.)
date: Friday 16 October 2015 1.00 - 2.00 pm
language: English
Detailed programme: a
To join the scientific workshop please contact Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky, Phd - University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Psychology;
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The Institute of Psychology University of Szeged and and the Academic Committee of Szeged is organizing an international symposium on the evolution of reading in the digital age with the participation of representatives from more than 20 countries.
Place: Academic Committee of Szeged - Szeged, Somogyi u. 7.
Language: English
Detailed programme: a
More information: Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky, Phd - University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Psychology;
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Look around! the virtual tour of MOME TechLab can be tried in the Museum of Ethnography. The touch screen application is related to Károly Zsolt Nagy's exhibition "Since You Were Lost" The Salgótarjáni Street Cemetery, where the photographer's black and white pictures can be seen. Until 15 October an other related exhibition, Picking Up the Pieces is open.
On Sunday 20 September 2015 opens the photo exhibition of Károly Zsolt Nagy, "Since You Were Lost..." The Salgótarjáni Street Jewish Cemetery - related to the Techlab project, Picking up the Pieces.
Bényei Judit – Ruttkay Zsófia: Kulturális örökség közvetítése digitális, interaktív technológiák segítségével, In: Szociálpedagógia, 2015. 1-2., pp 29-36.
Bényei Judit – Ruttkay Zsófia: A múzeum megújítása a digitális technológiák korában, In: Antalóczy T. – Pörczy Zs. (szerk) Határtalan médiakultúra, Bp. Wolters Kluwer Complex Kiadó 2015., pp 51-80.
Bényei, J. – Ruttkay, Zs.: Digital Museum: A Multidisciplinary University Course. In Ruth Mateus-Berr, Michaela Götsch (Eds.) (2015), Conversations Across Cultures: Perspectives on Art Education. De Gruyter. pp 51-55.
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