
Trence project

Terence project - hírek
Illustration styles
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Elkészültek az illusztrációs stílusok mintái. A négy stílusból egy felmérés során a gyerekekkel fogják kiválasztani, hogy melyik az, amelyik leginkább felkelti, és megragadja a figyelmüket.

style1.png style2.png

19 May - Terence WP5 meeting at MOME

On 19 May at 9 at MOME there will be a coordinating meeting concerning the WP5 tasks. We will present 4 different designs made to illsutrate a story.  The coordinators of the TERENCE project,  Rosella Gennari és Pierpaolo Vittorini will be present, as well as Tania Di Mascio Tania and Mohammad Alrifai.

EU FP7 TERENCE project kicked off at MOME
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With 1. May 2011. the EU FP7 TERENCE project got started with full wings at MOME.  To contribute to the success, 3 new members joined the Creative Technology Lab:

  • Mariann Máray  - graphic designer (MA MOME),
  • Blanka Radnóti - graphic designer (MA MOME),
  • Zénó  Szabó - software engineer  (MSc ELTE),


In the  TERENCE project  14 partners cooperate from 8 countries,  led by the University of  L'Aquila from Italy.  The goal of the project is provide an adaptive, on-line learning environment for or 7-11 year old children with text comprehension difficulties, hearing and deaf, in order to improve their text compreneshion with the help of applealing visuals, such as tailored illustrations, dynamic characters and games. The effect of the e-Learning environment will be tested with Italian and English children.

The tasks for the MOME staff are:
- design of story illustrations appropriate for the target group and the learning objectives,
- the design of the GUI for diffrent modules,
- the design of the visualization of the progress of the children and the entire repertoire of the system.

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