
Semesters before 2010
Bevezetés a programozásba (Processing)
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A Processing egy ingyenesen letölthető programozási nyelv és fejlesztői környezet. Elsősorban tanulók, művészek, dizájnerek, kutatók használják program prototípus, vagy kész alkalmazások elkészítéséhez. A programozási folyamat leegyszerűsítése miatt alkalmas gyors és hatékony tanulásra, kísérletezésre, ezzel együtt a programozás alapjainak elsajátítására. http://processing.org


A 2009.2.évf. anyaga hamarosan...

STD 2 - Algorithms for Designers | Print |
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Lecturer:   Zsófia Ruttkay PhD, Senior research fellow, e-mail: ruttkayATmome.hu

Time:         Thursday 9-12.50 :interactive lectures followed by parctical work
First occasion: 24 September

Location:    Room B102

Course home: http://create.mome.hu/ruttkay/STD2/

The main goal of this course is to learn to design and implement algorithms - that is, processes for the computer to be performed. This requires two types of skills:

  • designing the generation process of a static or changing image in an abstract, algorithmic way;
  • writing it down in a programming language and letting the computer perform the algorithm.

The course will use visual designs (partly from STD1) 'to be drawn and animated' by the computer, as vehicle of learning the design and implementation of algorithms. The programming language to be learnt and used is processing, which is on the one hand particularly suited for artists, and on the other hand, is an elegant full-fledged language well representing the major characteristics of other, more advanced computer programming languages. Hence, by the end of the course, students will have acquired:

  • attitude, knowledge and skills to do 'algorithmic design', as a construction mechanism of patterns and motions;
  • basic knowledge and skills of the processing language, allowing students to do own, creative programming as well as learn further programming.
STD1 - Visual Mathematics Science and Technology for Designers | Print |
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Visual Mathematics

Science and Technology for Designers - STD1

2009 Fall course at MOME
Lecturer:   Zsófia Ruttkay PhD, Senior research fellow, e-mail: ruttkayATmome.hu

Time:         Monday 9.30-12.50 :interactive lectures followed by parctical work
First occasion: 21 Sept, EXCEPTIONALLY 11.30-16.30 (with lunch break)

Location:    Room B102 - the room woth PCs, to the right from the staircase

Course home: http://create.mome.hu/Ruttkay/STD1/

In the course students get acquainted with mathematical structures and principles behind designs. Starting off from existing designs - in a variety of medium and function like architectural ornaments, embroidery, basket weaving, cultic sand and cave drawings - students will analyse their structure and device the mathematical models behind. Topics to be discussed include: transformations and similarity, symmetries, tessellations, fractals, mazes, curves and regular and half-regular solids. After understanding the principle of creating such patterns, they will use them for own, artistic designs, by using traditional techniques (e.g. drawing, printing) or computer tools (like Photoshop, Inkscape) they are familiar with. This course will not provide support for using computers or teach to use special sw tools. Those who are familiar with programming in some appropriate language, may use the computer in a more advanced way to create own works.


Visual Mathematics
Science and Technology for Designers STD1 - Fall 2009  (in English)

Algorithms for Designers
Science and Technology for Designers STD2 - Fall 2009 (in English)

Codes of Nature 
One-week workshop Spring  2009 (in English)