
Techtea - Immerse and engage

 A TechTea következő vendége Michaela Buchtová, a prágai Charles University Új Média Intézetének munkatársa, valamint az M77 szervezet társalapítója. Október 16-án 15:30-tól a MOME A 104-es termében "Immerse and Engage" címmel tart előadást arról, hogy miként használható a technológia kultúrális örökség újszerű bemutatásában. Beszámol saját projektjeiről, melynek egyike a Holocaust áldozatainak állít emléket. Az angol nyelvű előadásra minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk.


Immerse and Engage: Technology-Enhanced Cultural Heritage Applications


Digital technologies have great potential to disseminate information on large scale and interactive form, by engaging the audience. The talk will introduce new technolgies and their possible usage in the presentation of cultural heritage. Interactive video mapping, immersive technologies nd educational games supported by mobile devices demonstrated with illustrative examples. For two projects: The Interactive Monument for Victims and Survivors of Holocaust and The location-based game for chateau Veltrusy in the central bohemian region near the banks of the Vltava River, the process of development and implemention will be discussed in detail.


About the speaker:

Michaela Buchtová PhD works as Assistant Professor at Charles University Prague, Department of New Media Studies. She earned her BA in Sociology and In Adult Education and diffended her dissertation thesis in the Area of Digital Game Based Learning. In 2009 she co-founded non-profit organisation M77, where she develops projects stimulating use of digital media in education and art.


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The lecture was made possible by the Visegrad University Studies Grant, in the framework of the "Museum of the Future in the Visegrad Countries" course at MOME.