In this year by the Digital Museum course our partner was the Hungarian Jewish Archives.
Most of the time people say, archives are only buildings where we collect dusty and almost dead and useless documents and there only professionals and experts are able to find interesting things and stories. Now, our studendts wanted to change this suppositions. They were searching and interpreting topics such us: a family film from a wedding ceremony, a forgotten cemetery in a beautiful part of Budapest, and a Jewish gastronomiy.

Interactive applications designed for a wider audiance and involved the users in the investigation in order that they are able to cover up the facts about jewish heritage on a playful and active way. The projects used the latest digital technologies and try to bring closer to the ancient Jewish communitz in today's society.
The projects:
concept: Török Marcell, Tarr Kálmán, Krolikowski Dárius, Domonkos Fruzsina - programming: Horváth István (BME)
The visitors can find in the almost-forgotten Jewish cemerery an extraordinary architechtural treasures. The monuments and family tombs preserve the memory of many famous people who work on the field of culture, politics and religious life. The mobil application is able to use only in the cemetery and evokes the memory of the deceased and help us to know their stories and explore the cemetery through a guided tour or a quize game.
Synagogue Anno
concept: Krob Hajnalka, Földi Viktor- programming: Karasz Dániel (MOME TechLab)
In the past for Jewish families were possible to rent seats in the famous Dohány Street Synagogue for all of their members. With this web-based application anyone can search for tenants and can follow old families through decades. Users also can find on the website short stories and photos according to contemporary tenants of the seats.

Digital Table Set in Jewish Style
concept: Alpern Linda, Merényi Zita, Nógrádi Nelli, Papp Laura, Rodostyán Bertalan- programming: Pap Ákos (BME)
This application leads us to the inner nature of the Jewish dining traditions on a playful way. The creators settled a touchscreen into a desk which gives a platform for an interactive game. In this way the visitors can gain a lot of experience from the world of ancient Jewish people and can learn the rules and the underlying cultural traditions of Jewish dinner.

Cook Book
concept: Karakas Alexandra, Fórizs Diána, Balla Dániel
The main focus of the project was to revival some forgotten Jewish recipes from the turn of the XIX-XX century. In the collection of the Archive are many old booklet form former Jewish housewifes that contain especially sweets - for example: canned fruit, juices, cakes and bakes recipes. The MOME team now prepares them again. The recipes after the baking will be upload and publish on the web with beautiful illustrations photos and videos. This website will be function as a picture book and a documentation of the preparation process.

Mysterious Wedding
cocnept: Fazekas Fanni, Szurdi Judit- programming: Tombor Dániel (BME)
The browning silent family film recorded in an elegant wedding ceremony. Who are the couple? Where was the ceremony hold? What was the birde's clothes? These and silmilar questions can be answered by using this tablet running application, which was placed near the entrance in the Archive. At the end of the game users also get to know how finished the marriage of the couple.
Teachers: Dr. Bényei Judit és Dr. Ruttkay Zsófia (MOME), Dr. Forstner Bertalan (BME AUT)
Consultants: Toronyi Zsuzsanna (MILEV), Klein Rudolf
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